First, nerdy news. I'm sure you've all heard this by now, but Nintendo is dismantling Club Nintendo. According to a notice from Nintendo - CLICK HERE TO VIEW - there are three big dates coming up. January 20, 2015 - all products released after this date cannot be registered. March 31, 2015 - the last day to obtain coins, register products, or sign up for the service. June 30, 2015 - last day to cash in your coins for awesome stuff and last day to access your account at all. It is a sad thing, but, on the bright side, there are rumors that they will be rebuilding and upgrading Club Nintendo. Keep your eyes/ears open for any news on that!
Second, random fashion thing. So for a while TeeFury has been promoting their new thing ShoeFury. Now at first I was like okay, interesting, but not nearly as cheap as their tees (yes I know they are shoes). And then I dug a little deeper and realized the shoes they are selling are Zipz. What are Zips? Well if you Google Zipz shoes you are greeted by a site explaining the shoes - you can buy a whole shoe which comes with a removable canvas. Yeah, the part with print/design on it (the "Top") is removable. After buying this first pair, you can then purchase other Tops for much less than the whole shoe and just swap them out whenever. So that means . . . I CAN HAVE MULTIPLE PAIRS OF SHOES FOR MUCH LESS AND WITHOUT ENTIRELY TAKING UP MY WHOLE CLOSET! This is pure genius and if you haven't seen then, why haven't you seen them? Check it out here:
Third, I started working on my Sakura-Con cosplay! Technically I should be working on my ECCC cosplay first, but I went nuts trying to find the perfect fabric for

And after a minor brain implosion I spotted the perfect material! Alas, I accidentally created a monster when I started working with it . . .
I made the neck too small - I doubt it would fit a child's head at this point. Fortunately, I figured out a solution to the problem so it should look awesome next time I update.
Okie dokie smokies! That's all for tonight. Gonna take some medicine now!
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