Monday, September 29, 2014

Video Games - Gauntlet! Super Smash Demo! Hyrule Warriors!

AH I'M SO SORRY FOR MISSING MY POST LAST WEEK!  I was busy with family affairs (Abuela's birthday!) :-)  Anyays, now I'm back and ready for action!

First up, Gauntlet!  So this game was released last week for PC only and I've been playing it with the guys.  My very first ever experience with Gauntlet was at my local arcade.  I was only able to play by myself at the time which wasn't all that fun to me, but now there is this Gauntlet!  Graphics are good, soundtrack gets you ready for a fight, I would recommend playing with a group of people as all the characters bring their own awesome to the fight.  I actually posted up some footage of the game on my YouTube Channel.  FYI, I cuss . . .kind of a lot at times . . . sorry . . . there were spiders!  I do not like spiders, at all, and proceeded to flip out when I found there were spiders.

Second up, Super Smash Brothers Demo!  As I'm sure you all know by now, Nintendo did indeed release a limited demo for Super Smash Bros.  Initially it was only released to those who had reached a certain level on their Club Nintendo and then they released it to everybody!  Again, I never got to really play this game as a child because I was an only child.  Despite the fact that this was only a demo, I was very happy to play the heck out of it and discover the attacks.  I don't want to give a full, well anything, because there isn't much to tell as of yet.  I was unable to see any trophies or unlock-ables so, at first glance, it is a Smash Bros. game.  But I will be getting the actual game when it comes out on both 3DS and Wii U so I will update you then!

Last (but most definitely not least), Hyrule Warriors.  Hyrule freaking Warriors!!!!  I just about lost my mind when I first heard of this game.  Lost my mind more when I saw Impa!  I waited so patiently . . . and then I couldn't play it when it came out because I had a family affair O_O  Now I have played the hell out of it.  Characters are beautiful.  There is a crafting system.  Graphics are superb.  There are different ways to play.  You can customize your character (or rather their attributes).  You can choose the song you want to battle too!  There is so much fan service in this game . . .  Just go buy the game, seriously, you will not be disappointed.  And if you are disappointed . . . what is wrong with you?!

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