Monday, July 28, 2014

And so begins PAX Countdown

So it is officially 31 days until PAX! (it is still July 28 where I'm at)  I am oh so very excited and have gone into full cosplay beast mode.  I have 2 cosplays I'm working on for PAX this year: one is secret and, as discussed before, the other is Akali (from LOL).  The secret one you will just have to wait for updates on BUUUT I finally got all the pieces for Akali's weapons cut and started on the clothing.  I have spent the last 7 hours (almost straight) working on costumes and while I worked I had to remind myself of some things:

  1. You will mess up.  That's okay; just work around it :-)
  2. Be creative: this seems obvious because cosplay, but I've seen many many people become so focused on "how do I do this properly?"  There is no properly.  If you can't work one way then find another way.
  3. REFERENCE PHOTOS!  Look at them, look again, Again, AGAIN!!!!!  This saves me every single time.
  4. Pick good background noise - I usually put on some random favorite movie or show, but right now, My Little Pony.  Yup.
Anywho, that's all for tonight, just a random little note :-)  I need sleep . . .

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